Thursday, March 02, 2006

The last hoorah

Ben Wettervogel, the slightly geeky yet adorable morning weatherman says that metrological spring has arrived. Mother Nature, however, has another idea. Although the crocus are starting to bloom outside my front door, it has snowed for the last two days! Yesterday afternoon the sky was bright blue and the sun was shining but the snow was coming straight down like a rainstorm. For the most part though, giant snowflakes have gently danced from the sky, floating through the air like the feather in Forrest Gump. I tried to take a picture, but it really didn’t do a justice.

Most of the flakes have melted as they reached the ground, but the trees in my courtyard look like a frosted fairyland. I cannot wait to experience spring in Berlin, but this unexpected last burst of winter reminds me to savor every moment, as my one and only winter in Berlin is quickly coming to an end.


At 8:28 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Doesn't have to be your "one and only winter in Berlin" . . .


At 10:20 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I can't wait to experience spring in berlin too!! But, could it possibly be as wonderful as Spring in Freiburg??? sigh . . . that is what dreams are made of!


At 12:51 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anuradha is right. Freiburg springs are the best. However, I'm sure they'll be outdoor cafes and eis stands that are equally as nice in Berlin! Jennie

At 1:05 PM, Blogger Erin said...

Maybe I will be back in Berlin someday, one never knows:-) But alas a lack of job and boyfriend probably means I should head back to DC come September. I did have one nice (though incredibly misguided) friend suggest that if I had a baby I would have to stay. WHAT! HELLO, I think a hubby needs to come first, but thanks for thinking of me... I think!?

From that disturbing thought to a wonderful one, let's all have a collective sigh and think longingly of Freiburg.. Ahhhh Freiburg:-) While I can't promise you Freiburg french fries Anuradha, being the nice friend that I am, I will have "researched" a few ice cream stands and beer gardens before your arrival.

At 4:30 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

WOO HOO! Thanks Erin! No, back to the baby thing. Why is it that if you had a baby, you would have to stay in Berlin? Granted, I am not well-versed in german adoption laws or US immigration laws (or international child abduction laws), but it seems as though the child would have german citizenship, but on account of having a US citizen as its mom, would be able to get some sort of documentation to legally enter the US. The only glitch would be if the father were a german citizen and not want the child to leave, but if you're not married, it doesn't amount to abduction to remove the child from the country without his consent, right? This is all very complicated. Maybe you shouldn't have a baby by a german man you are not married to.


At 4:34 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Oh -- on the topic of having children out of wedlock. So, as you know, my dad has been bothering me for some time about how he really wants grandchildren. I tried to diffuse that by getting him a puppy. The last time he told me that he is getting old and wants to live to see his grandchildren I told him that grandchildren can be arranged and that marriage is certainly not a prerequisite. (Of course, I was joking). My father was horrified and since then has not pestered me even once about producing grandchildren. Just a suggestion to all of you out there who are in your (gasp) mid-20s and not yet married. AB

At 1:46 AM, Blogger Erin said...

Thanks AB for your theories on how to get your parents off your back regarding grandbabies. I think my dad might choose to believe that grandchildren can happen through immaculate conception:-)
As for German children, I am sure you will recall my theory/deep-seeded fear about having German children. I have somewhat modified my theory since moving here, but it is still a concern.

At 1:47 AM, Blogger Erin said...

I woke up this morning wondering how on earth an entry about snow got around to babies and Germans? I guess it was kind of my fault, but it was unintentional. This entry was really JUST supposed to be about SNOW! Friday's snow update... the flakes are still flying around outside my window:-) Happy Friday!

At 2:09 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I blame Corey. He's still convinced you will fall in love with a German and live their forever. Actually, I think he's hoping you will so we will have an excuse to have to visit Germany every year!!

At 5:12 PM, Blogger Erin said...

Though the Taylor family can't seem agree on politics, there does seem to be a solid concensus that I will fall in love and not come home. Granny spent the better part of Thanksgiving telling me that:-) Great idea in principle, but almost every German I have met is in a very committed relationship--not married but it in serious
relationship. Seems to be the German thing to do.

Anyway, I'll work on finding myself a hot German. You two work on finding cheap tickets over here;-) There have got to be some Vandy alums in Berlin that you need to speak with?! You can bring CJS along as your translator.

At 5:13 PM, Blogger Erin said...

P.S. I think the snow has stopped:-)

At 11:09 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Erin, as for the fact that the hot germans you seem to be meeting are all in committed relationships, I recall the advice the mother of a certain GW colleague of ours gave me when I was in a similar situation. She very wisely told me that "girlfriends are speedbumps not stop signs." Now get out there and get yourself a nice german :) This same mother also told me that if you aren't attracting men, think, "tighter and shorter." Maybe you shouldn't implement that strategy until it stops snowing.

Good luck!

At 11:19 AM, Blogger Erin said...

I cannot think of any response to your posting that would not get me into trouble, so I think it is best that I just thank you for the comment (and the hearty laugh that it provided:-))


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